TXDOT Number
GLS Permits.com
 Semi-Tractor and Flatbed Truck
For a Semi-Tractor For a Flatbed Truck
Call us at (765) 742-2610 to get a TXDOT Number
TXDOT: When you haul items, products, commodities or loads inside the state of Texas without crossing state lines with a van, van and trailer, a pickup truck, pickup truck and trailer, a straight truck, straight truck and trailer, or semi-tractor and trailer, you may be required to register for TXDOT / TXDOT number. This is refered to as a TXDOT Certificate. If you are a Private Carrier transporting your own items, For-Hire Carrier, a Motor Coach operator, or use a tow truck, check the listings below to see if you are required to register for TXDOT / TXDOT number / a TXDOT certificate. There are requirements for transporting items, products, commodities or loads within the state of Texas, and also requirements for crossing state lines. Check on the requirements below.
Private Carriers -TXDOT requirements: Private Commercial Carriers transporting items, products or loads belonging to the carrier or company owning the vehicle or vehicles - non-hazardous loads
- Transporting loads inside Texas and not crossing state lines with these items, products or loads with a vehicle 26,000-lbs or under when loaded - TXDOT not required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and not crossing state lines with these loads with a vehicle 26,001-lbs or heavier when loaded - TXDOT reauired
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or lower for a van or truck, or with the Combined Gross Weight Ratings (GCWR) of 10,000-lbs or lower of both the power vehicle and trailer combined - TXDOT not required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in vehicles with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs for both the power unit and the trailer, but where the van or pickup truck pulling the trailer has a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or under by itself - TXDOT not required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs for the power unit, or Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs of a power unit and trailer, with the GVWR of the power unit at 10,001-lbs or higher for the power unit crossing state lines - TXDOT not required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines with a vehicle weighing 26,001-lbs or heavier, or with a power unit and trailer with combined weights of 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT required
For-Hire Carriers - TXDOT requirements: For-Hire Carriers transporting items, loads or commodities not belonging to the carriers or the owners of the vehicles and being paid to transport these items on a For-Hire basis - non-hazardous loads.
- Transporting loads inside Texas and not crossing state lines with these loads in vehicles 26,000-lbs or lighter when loaded - TXDOT not required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and not crossing state lines with these loads in vehicles 26,001-lbs and heavier when loaded - TXDOT required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or lower for a van or truck, or with the Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of 10,000-lbs or lower of both the power unit and trailer combined - TXDOT not required. MC Authority is required
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in a van pulling a trailer, or a pickup truck and trailer with the Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs of a power unit and trailer, but the GVWR of the power unit is 10,000-lbs or lower - TXDOT not required. USDOT number required. MC Authority is required. UCR not required.
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines in vehicles with the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs for the power unit, or Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs of a power unit and trailer with the GVWR of the power unit at 10,001-lbs or higher - TXDOT not required. USDOT number required. MC Authority is required. UCR is required.
- Transporting loads inside Texas and transporting loads across state lines with a vehicle 26,001-lbs and heavier, or with a power unit and trailer weighing 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT number required. USDOT number required. MC Authority is required. UCR is required.
Insurance Requirements for TXDOT: Private Carriers
Non-Hazardous / TXDOT / Private Carriers
- Remaining in Texas / 10,000-lbs or lighter
- Remaining in Texas / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs
- Remaining in Texas / 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT required
- Hauling products inside Texas and crossing state lines / 10,000-lbs or lighter
- Hauling products inside Texas and crossing state lines / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs
- Hauling loads inside Texas and crossing state lines / 26,000-lbs and heavier - TXDOT required
Hazardous Materials / TXDOT / Private Carriers
- Remaining in Texas / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT required
- Remaining in Texas / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT required
- Remaining in Texas / 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT required
- Hauling products in Texas and crossing state lines / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT required
- Hauling products in Texas and crossing state lines / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT required
- Hauling loads in Texas and crossing state lines / 26,0201-lbs and heavier - TXDOT required
Insurance Requirements for TXDOT: For-Hire Carriers
Non Hazardous / TXDOT / For-Hire Carriers
- Remaining in Texas / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT not required
- Remaining in Texas / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT not required
- Remaining in Texas / 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT required
- Hauling products inside Texas and crossing state lines / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT not required
- Hauling products inside Texas and crossing state lines / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT not required
- Hauling loads inside Texas and crossing state lines / 26,001-lbs and heavier - TXDOT required
Hazardous / TXDOT / For-Hire Carriers
- Remaining in Texas / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT required
- Remaining in Texas / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT required
- Remaining in Texas / 26,001-lbs or heavier - TXDOT required
- Hauling products in Texas and crossing state lines / 10,000-lbs or lighter - TXDOT required and MC Authority required
- Hauling products in Texas and crossing state lines / 10,001-lbs - 26,000-lbs - TXDOT required and MC Authority required
- Hauling loads in Texas and crossing state lines / 26,001-lbs and heavier - TXDOT required and MC Authority required.
Tow Trucks - TXDOT requirements:
Passenger Vehicles & Motor Coaches remaining in Texas - TXDOT requirements:
Passenger Vehicles and Motor Coaches traveling in Texas and crossing state lines - TXDOT requirements to operate in Texas, and MC Authority requirements to cross state lines.
- Passenger vehicles with aseating capacity up to 8 including the driver - TXDOT not required, but MC Authority is required.
- Passenger vehicles with a seating capacity between 9 and 15 including the driver - TXDOT not required, but MC Authority is required
- Passenger vehicles with a seating capacity between 16 and 26 including the driver - TXDOT is required and MC Authortiy is required
- Passenger vehicles with a seating capacity of 27 or more including the driver - TXDOT is required and MC Authortiy is required
Fuel Permits - TXDOT requirements:
Exceptions to the TXDOT requirements:
Requirements for a Texas TXDOT certificate: Private and For-Hire vehicles
- Private Carriers hauling their own items, products or commodities within the state of Texas with vehicles up to and including 26,000-lbs: A Texas TXDOT registration and USDOT number are not required. As a Private Carrier, if you have a van, pickup truck or straight truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,000-lbs or less; or a truck and trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of 26,000-lbs or less, you are not required to register for either a USDOT (DOT) number nor for a texas TXDOT certificate if the vehicle(s) remain within the state of Texas. If the vehicle crosses state lines when empty or loaded and has a GVWR of 10,001-lbs or higher, or has a GCWR of 10,001-lbs or higher for both the power unit and trailer, you will be required to register for a USDOT number. If the power unit crossing state lines has a GVWR of 10,001-lbs or higher, you will also need to register for UCR - Unified Carrier Registration. If the power unit that crosses state lines has a GVWR of 10,000-lbs or less, you will not need to register for UCR.
- Private Carriers hauling their own items, products or commodities within the state of Texas and not crossing state lines with vehicles 26,001-lbs or heavier: A Texas TXDOT number is required. As a Private Carrier, if you have a straight truck that weighs 26,001-lbs or heavier empty or loaded; a straight truck with a trailer or a semi-tractor with a trailer with combined weights of 26,001-lbs or heavier, empty or loaded and you haul loads within the state of Texas, you will need to register with the state for a Texas TXDOT certificate and have a minimum of $500,000 in personal injury/propery damage liability insurance.
- A Private Carrier hauling it's own items or products within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines in a van or pickup truck with a GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 10,000-lbs or less, or in a pickup truck pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of both the truck and the trailer of 10,000-lbs or less, is not required to register for a Texas TXDOT number or a USDOT number for crossing state lines with the vehicle, unless hauling hazardous materials requiring placards.
- Private Carriers hauling their own items, products or commodities within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines with a pickup truck and trailer, or a van pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs, but where the van or pickup truck has a GVWR of 10,000-lbs or less, are not required to register for a Texas TXDOT number. A USDOT number will be required to cross state lines, but UCR - Unified Carrier Registration will not be required as the power unit has a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or less.
- Private Carriers transporting their own items, products or commodities within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines with a van, pickup truck or truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs; or with a van, a pickup truck or truck pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs of both the power unit and the trailer and where the power unit has a GVWR of 10,001-lbs or more, a TXDOT is not required. But, when crossing state lines, a USDOT number and UCR - Unified Carrier Registration will be required.
- Private Carriers picking up and delivering their own items, products or loads within the state of Texas, and also crossing state lines in vehicles weighing 26,001-lbs or more, or with a truck and trailer, or semi-tractor and trailer with combined weights of 26,001-lbs or more: A Texas TXDOT number is required for transporting items or products within the state of Texas. When crossing state lines, a USDOT number is required, registration for an IRP license plate and for IFTA fuel tax, and filing for UCR - Unified Carrier Registration. Contact us to register for a TXDOT number, register for UCR and to do quarterly IFTA fuel tax reporting for you.
- For-Hire Carriers hauling items, products or commodities within the state of Texas with vehicles 26,000-lbs or lighter: A Texas TXDOT registration is not required for these vehicles. If you are For-Hire and get paid to haul loads within the state of Texas without crossing state lines with these loads in a van, pickup truck, truck, or truck and trailer where the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GCWR) of the individual power units is 26,000-lbs or less, or the Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of both the power unit and trailer are 26,000-lbs or less and you stay within the state of Texas, you will not be required to register for a Texas TXDOT certificate or number.
- For-Hire Carriers hauling loads within the state of Texas with vehicles 26,001-lbs or heavier: A Texas TXDOT registration is required. If you are For-Hire and get paid to haul loads within the state of Texas without crossing state lines with these loads and you are hauling these loads in a straight truck, straight truck and trailer or semi-tractor and trailer where the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) are 26,001-lbs or greater, you will be required to register for a Texas TXDOT number. Call us to register for a Texas DOT number.
- For-Hire Carriers transporting items, products or loads within the state of Texas, and also crossing state lines with items, products or loads with a van or pickup truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or less, or with a pickup truck pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of 10,000-lbs or less for both the truck and the trailer, a TXDOT number is not required. However, because the vehicle(s) being used on a For-Hire basis cross state lines, if the items are not exempt from MC Authority, a USDOT number will be required and the application for Motor Carrier / MC Authority (with $300,000 Personal Injury / Property Damage liability insurance) is required. If the items being transported inside Texas or across state lines are considered Hazardous and require placarding, a minimum of $1 million will be required in Personal Injury / Property Damage liability insurance and registration for a Texas DOT number will be required.
- For-Hire Carriers transporting items, products or loads within the state of Texas and also across state lines with items, products or loads with a van pulling a trailer, or a pickup truck and trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs for both the power unit and the trailer, but where the van or pickup truck has a GVWR of 10,000-lbs or less, registration for a Texas TXDOT number is not required. However, as the vehicles are being used on a For-Hire basis when crossing state lines, if the items are not exempt from Motor Carrier Authority, or MC Authority, a USDOT number and MC Authority are required. If the items or products being transported within the state of Texas are considered Hazardous and require placarding, a Texas TXDOT number will be required.
- For-Hire Carriers transporting items, products or loads within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines with items, products or loads with a van, pickup truck or truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs, or with a van, pickup truck or truck pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) between 10,001-lbs and 26,000-lbs of both the power vehicle and the trailer: a TXDOT number is not required. However, as the vehicles are being used on a For-Hire basis when crossing state lines, if the items are not exempt from MC Authority, a USDOT number, Motor Carrier Authority / MC Authority and UCR - Unified Carrier Registration will be required. If the items or products being transported within the state of Texas are considered Hazardous requiring placarding, registration for a TXDOT number is required.
- For-Hire Carriers transporting items, products or loads within Texas and also crossing state lines weighing 26,001-lbs or more with a truck, or truck pulling a trailer, or semi-tractor and trailer, registration for a TXDOT number will be required. When crossing state lines, a USDOT number, MC Authority and the UCR - Unified Carrier Registration is required. The power vehicle will also need to be plated with an Apportioned license plate / IRP license plate, register for IFTA fuel tax and obtain fuel tax decals.
Insurance Requirements for TXDOT:
- Non-hazardous - remaining in Texas: If you are going to haul loads within the state of Texas without crossing state lines with a truck weighing 26,001-lbs or more, or with a truck pulling a trailer, or semi-tractor and trailer with combined weights of 26,001-lbs or more of both the power unit and the trailer, you will be required to carry a minimum of $500,000 in PI/PD Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance with the application for a TXDOT number. Both Private Carriers and For-Hire Carriers are required to provide proof of liability insurance in the application for a TXDOT number.
- Hazardous loads - remaining in Texas: If you are going to transport Hazardous materials requiring placarding within the state of Texas without crossing state lines, you will be required to carry between $1 million and $5 million in PI / PD Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance, depending on the type of product being transported, when applying for a TXDOT number
- Non-Hazardous items being transported within Texas and also crossing state lines in vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000-lbs or less, or vehicle pulling a trailer with Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR) of 10,000-lbs or less for both the power unit and trailer: If you are a Private Carrier hauling your own items or products, you will not need to register for a TXDOT number or a USDOT number, and proof of liability insurance is not required in the transportation of these items or products. However, you will still need liability insurance when applying for a license plate. If you are For-Hire when crossing state lines with items or products in a vehicle or power unit pulling a trailer with a GVWR or GCWR of 10,000-lbs or less, you will need a USDOT number and be required to register for MC Authority and carry a minimum of $300,000 in PI & PD - Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance. However, you will not be required to file for UCR - Unified Carrier Registration as the power unit has a GVWR of 10,000-lbs or less.
- Hazardous loads being transported within Texas, and also crossing state lines with Hazardous loads requiring placarding in vehicles at any weight will require $1 million or $5 million in Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance, depending on the type of product being transported, when applying for a TXDOT number.
Tow Trucks operating within Texas and also crossing state lines:
- Tow trucks operating within the state of Texas with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,0001-lbs or less are required to register for a TXDOT number, regardless of weight, and carry a minimum of $300,000 in Personal Injury & property Damage liability insurance. If any Non-Consent towing is involved, a minimum of $50,000 in cargo insurance is also required.
- Tow trucks operating within the state of Texas with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001-lbs or more are required to register for a TXDOT number and carry a minimum of $500,000 in Personal njury & Property Damage liability insurance. If Non-Consent towing is involved, a minimum of $50,000 in cargo insurance will also be required.
- Tow Trucks operating within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines with a combined weight of the tow truck plus vehicle being towed at 26,000-lbs or less will need a USDOT number, register for MC Authority and for the Unified Carrier Registration - UCR. A minimum of $750,000 in Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance will be required. If Non-Consent towing is involved, a minimum of $50,000 in cargo insurance will be required.
- Tow trucks operating within the state of Texas and also crossing state lines with combined weights of both the tow truck plus the vehicle being towed at 26,001-lbs or heavier will require a TXDOT number for operations within Texas. When crossing state lines, a USDOT number will be required as well as MC Authority and filing of the UCR - Unified Carrier Registration. A minimum of $750,000 in Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance will be required. If Non-Consent towing is involved, a minimum of $50,000 in cargo insurance will be required. When the tow truck crosses state lines, it will need to be plated with an Apportioned license plate/IRP license plate and be registered for IFTA fuel tax and be issued IFTA stickers.
Passenger Vehicles & Motor Coaches:
- Passenger vehicles with a seating capacity of up to 15 including the driver operating inside the state of Texas are not required to be registered for a TXDOT number, nor for a USDOT number.
- Passenger vehicles with a seating capacity between 16 and 26 including the driver are required to have a USDOT number and be registered for a TXDOT number. A minimum of $500,000 in Personal Injury & Property Damage liability insurance will be required in the application for a TXDOT number.
- Passenger Vehicles & Motor Coaches with a seating capacity of 27 or more including the driver are required to be registered with a TXDOT number. A USDOT number is required and a minimum of $5 million in Personal Injury & Property Damage needs to be on file. When crossing state lines, an IRP license plate / Apportioned license plate is required as well as IFTA fuel tax credentials and UCR filing - Unified Carrier Registration, if the vehicle weighs 26,001-lbs or more as it crosses state lines. If the vehicle is operated on a For-Hire basis as it crosses state lines, MC Authority is required.
Fuel Permits for operating within the state of Texas and for crossing state lines:
- Operating soley within the state of Texas - fuel tax registration is not required
Exemptions to the requirements for a Texas TXDOT number:
- Farm vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 48,000-lbs or under
- Cotton vehicles registered under the Texas Transportation Code (TRC) 502.277
- Vehicles registered with the Texas Railroad Commission under the Texas Natural Resources Code 113.131 or 116.072
- Vehicles used to transport liquor under a Private Carrier Permit issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Code Chapter 42
- Vehicles used to transport passengers and operated by an entity whose primary function is not to transport passengers, such as a vehicle operated by a Hotel, Day-Care Center, Nursing Home, etc.
- Vehicle operated by a Government entity.